6 Tips For Setting Up A Memorable Proposal
June 28, 2021

6 Tips For Setting Up A Memorable Proposal

Having a partner who makes you truly happy and with whom you want to spend the rest of your life is an opportunity you shouldn’t let go of. Once you find someone you’d like to be with forever, you should take action by tying the knot and making everything between the two of you legal and binding. But of course, before marriage comes the proposal.

Proposing to your partner is a unique event you should prepare for as much as possible. It’s the day you profess your undying love and ask for their hand in marriage. You need to plan it well not only because it’s a life-changing moment but also because it would be a good story to share with your kids and even your grandkids as you get older.

If you’re not sure where to start, here are some tips on how you can set up a memorable proposal:


1. Pick The Right Engagement Ring 

A proposal would never be complete without you getting on your knee and popping the engagement ring as you ask the most beautiful question. With that, you need to ensure that your partner would be happy with the ring that you give them.

If they’re into vintage jewelry, you should look for a jewelry shop with vintage rings in their collection or a vintage store that sells rings that you’re confident your partner will love. Should your partner be more fond of estate jewelry, you can get estate rings either from a jewelry store or a specialized jeweler. Don’t forget to ask about the history of the estate ring so you can relay it to your partner later on.

If your partner doesn’t have a specific type of ring in mind, you can talk to their friends or family members to find out what kind of engagement ring they might like. This way, you can get an engagement ring your partner would love and be proud to wear. Just ensure that everyone you ask will keep the whole thing a secret so as not to spoil the surprise.

2. Ask Family And Friends 

As you decide to propose to your partner, you might want to consider asking their best friend or a close family member about the kind of proposal they prefer. Unless your partner openly discusses how they’d like you to propose, asking people they often confide in will help you achieve a memorable proposal. Along with this, they’ll appreciate your effort of reaching out to the people they love most just to make their dream proposal come true.

Again, in approaching your partner’s close family or friend, see to it that they don’t spill anything. After all, it’s best to make the most of the element of surprise so your partner’s reaction when you suddenly get down on your knee will be genuine.

3. Bring Family And Friends, If Applicable 

This tip would depend on how your partner would like the proposal to be. Some people want the it to be intimate, while others look forward to being proposed to on a grand scale and have a lot of people witness the event. If you know that your partner's shy and doesn’t enjoy being the center of attention, a private wedding proposal would be the best way to go.

Meanwhile, if your partner loves their relatives and friends and always celebrates special occasions with them around, you should ask them to be there when you pop the question. Feel free to invite your family and friends, too. You can involve them in the planning or just have them watch the proposal take place before their very eyes.


4. Hire A Professional Photographer 

Not every married couple has a photo of their proposal, wherein one person is on their knee while holding a ring and the other is standing with an expression of pure surprise or even crying out of happiness. Each proposal is sentimental, so you may want to capture the scene along with your partner’s reaction to your question. In this way, you can immortalize the event through photographs and share those with your family and friends.

Before you hire a photographer, you should secure the date and time you’re going to propose. This will give you one less thing to worry about if you still haven’t found the right venue.

5. Choose A Suitable Location

Apart from preparing the best engagement ring—be it vintage or estate jewelry—looking for an appropriate location to propose matters as well. If you and your partner have a special spot where you usually spend time together, it might be a great place to pop the question as it has a significant meaning for the both of you.

If you’re feeling extra sentimental, you can propose where the two of you met. This would give you reason to take a trip down memory lane and look back on how you two bumped into each other for the first time.

Moreover, if your partner has a place they absolutely love, take them there. Bring up the idea of visiting the area while you’re doing something mundane such as watching TV so as not to be suspicious. Once you’re there, when you’re both relaxed, pop the question that’ll change your lives forever.

6. Play Good Music 

Whenever you watch a movie where someone proposes, you’ll hear music playing in the background, making the scene even more romantic. To make your proposal unforgettable and heartwarming, you can play some music when you ask the question.

As you lead your partner to the area where you plan to propose, you can start playing a song that’s close to your hearts. It could be your theme song or a romantic song you know will likely bring them to tears. You can choose to play the music using your phone, or if you have the budget for it, you can hire a live band or a string quartet for a romantic musical performance.


Aside from the wedding, the proposal is one of the most romantic and memorable moments you and your partner will ever share. It’s when the both of you decide that you want to grow old and perhaps raise a family together, and this would make way for your marriage preparations.

But before you propose to your partner, you have to be sure that the two of you are on the same page, and you should figure out what they’d like to happen so you can make it come true.

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