5 Fail-Proof Solutions For Light Sleepers
July 07, 2020

5 Fail-Proof Solutions For Light Sleepers

If you’re a light sleeper, chances are you’re waking up three or more times every night as you try to get your full eight hours per night. Finding the right way to combat trouble sleeping when you tend to hear a pin drop as you’re getting primed to rest can be quite the challenge.

The first step towards fighting back interrupted sleep is to figure out the source of the issue. Various factors may contribute to being a light sleeper, including stress, anxiety, or even external environmental noise.

From finding the best mattress for uninterrupted, blissful sleep, to minimizing the number of external stimuli that enters your bedroom, here are our top tips for light sleepers:

5 Fail-Proof Solutions For Light Sleepers

Sleep Solution #1: Finding The Best Mattress For Deep Sleep

When you’re trying to access deeper stages of your sleep cycle, it’s important you have the best mattress for the job. Memory foam mattresses are the best mattresses for those looking to experience deeper quality sleep since they are engineered to support every contour of the body. They make for a superior sleeping experience because of this.

Memory foam mattresses are often rated amongst the best mattresses you can find for light sleepers, as they have added motion isolation features that prevent you from awakening if a partner or your pet tosses and turns in bed.

If you are a light sleeper, you might additionally be extra sensitive to factors such as temperature, dust, and light. The best mattresses will factor this into their construction - lookout specifically for cooling memory foam if you’re a hot sleeper who tends to wake when stuffy.

Similarly, the best mattresses should be hypoallergenic as standard practice, since you don’t want to be sniffling or reacting poorly due to dust-mites or other external debris stuck to your bed.

Sleep Solution #2: Minimizing Environmental Distractions In Your Bedroom

One of the biggest issues light sleepers struggle with come in the form of environmental disruptions. If you live in a particularly noisy part of town or have neighbors who like to burn the midnight oil, then investing in some noise-canceling earphones or a white noise machine can go a long way in resolving this issue.

Similarly, if your bedroom tends to fill up with a lot of natural light when the sun’s up, investing in heavier, light-blocking curtains can ensure your body clock isn’t disrupted. In a similar vein, as a light sleeper, you’ll want to ensure you’re regulating your body clock as much as possible, and this means staying away from blue light (and any personal devices that may emit it) before bedtime.

Sleep Solution #3: Sleep Accessories That Put You In Deep Sleep

When it comes to accessing deeper, high-quality sleep, you can achieve a lot by investing in the right tools. Finding the best mattress for your rest is just the beginning - there are tons of other ways your bedroom accessories can help with sleep.

Weighted blankets are one such example of a sleep accessory that can actually help significantly with helping you to access deep and restful sleep.

Weighted blankets work by mimicking the sensation of being swaddled or embraced by the person using it, creating a deep sense of comfort that encourages restful sleep. According to some studies, weighted blankets activate a sense of touch that allows for less distraction from other disturbances - this is especially useful for light sleepers who are prone to get distracted through the night.

Picking the best weighted blanket for your sleep involves taking in factors such as material and comfort. You may wish to opt for a cooling weighted blanket if you do tend to be a stuffy sleeper, especially since the weight can possibly add to this feeling.

One important thing to consider when picking out a weighted blanket is to ensure it remains at about 10% of your body weight - this will ensure you’re not feeling overly weighed down.

Sleep Solution #4: Using Proper Sleep Hygiene Practices For Deep Sleep

Sleep hygiene simply refers to the habits and practices you use on a regular basis to allow yourself deep and uninterrupted sleep. Finding the best mattress or weighted blanket for your rest is just one component of getting a deep night’s sleep as a light sleeper.

In order to maintain healthy sleep hygiene, you’ll want to get into the practice of developing certain key habits. Staying away from your phone and other tech devices that emits blue light is going to be incredibly helpful when it comes to regulating your body’s sleep cycle.

Furthermore, avoid alcoholic beverages and spicier foods in the evening time - this disrupts your sleep cycle, and causes you to wake mid-rest. Other healthy sleep hygiene practices include taking a warm shower before bedtime, cutting out caffeine in the afternoons and evenings, and mindfulness, all working to create a true sanctuary of sleep within your bedroom.

Sleep Solution #5: Find A Work Out Routine That Works For You

All too often, trying to get into the habit of exercise can quickly become unsustainable. This can be for a variety of different reasons, but most commonly, it tends to be out of frustration. When we set lofty fitness goals for ourselves, we tend to measure our success as it relates to our progress.

Real success, however, lies in finding a routine and sticking to it. Try and have a consistent workout schedule in place - not only does exercise allow you to get stronger, have more focus and energy, it also means that when you do sleep, but your body also enters recovery mode.

You’re far more likely to engage in deep sleep because of this, which will allow you to experience fewer interruptions and far more rest.

From finding the best mattress for your rest to ensuring you’ve found a herbal tea that keeps you feeling zen, encouraging your body to go into deep sleep definitely takes practice. With enough time, entering deep sleep minutes after you land on the bed will become a matter of routine.

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