5 Easy Tips To Create The Perfect Timelapse Video
November 11, 2019

5 Easy Tips To Create The Perfect Timelapse Video

When it comes to shooting and editing the perfect time-lapse video, you need to keep a lot of considerations in your mind regarding production and post-production.

These considerations ought to be discovered while you are experimenting with things to achieve success. You will gradually start finding your own preferred style as you start your videography journey as well as your unique creative signature and own workflow.

But there are a few mandatory things to keep in mind while shooting and time lapse video editing that I am going to demonstrate in this article. Most rookie people who don’t know the nuts and bolts of a time-lapse video, tend to underestimate these factors that their video turn into garbage. Well, let’s know what are they.

  • Aperture Priority

Tick mark on the Aperture Priority while you are adjusting settings of your camera and keep every single thing else down in manual. You are likely to experience all lighting conditions throughout your time-lapse video making journey. Hence, it’s optimal to set the camera on

Aperture Priority so that it works out itself on exposing each shot. The flicker can be tricky at times, so it is better to deal with in post-production rather than pushing it too hard at the shooting stage. As mentioned above, try to keep all other settings in the manual. When it comes to white balance, you can set anyone from the pre-sets because it won’t matter much as it’s in manual mode.

Go for Sunny or Fine. Everything else should be kept in the manual but the only exception to the rule is ISO. If you are shooting at day time, you will need to set the ISO in Auto Mode you have the option. On the other hand, if you are shooting at night, it’s better you leave it on manual because the high-ISO noise might occur. 

  • Things might go wrong

Sometimes it’s possible that not even a single thing goes wrong with your project. But most of the people face issues and errors throughout their time-lapse video making journey. The possible issues you might face are that:

  • Error in the electronics
  • Dust in the window
  • Block fall on the unit
  • Unit get hit due to lightning
  • Birds pinch through the power cable
  • The equipment might get taken off by the angry workmen
  • Make Use of LRTimelapse

Post-production flicker is the worst enemy to the time-lapse video-making process. Here, when I say flicker, I don’t mean the minor aperture you often deal with short-term time-lapse videos.

The main problem is with the huge variations in lighting. This is where LRTimelapse or such tools come in handy. They help to make the transitions smooth and balanced. You can use these tools for both short term and long term videos. 

  • Frame Blend

You might also fall in a victim for ‘object flicker’ while making the perfect time-lapse video. Object flicker is a staccato effect that takes place when an object jumps in and out of the frame.

The point when making a time-lapse video is to attract the watcher's eye to the primary subject experiencing change. But the object flicker is a major interruption that can make a sequence practically unwatchable. The most ideal approach to battle object flicker is to blend the frame.

Ultimately, you have to blend each frame with a ‘ghost’ of at least one or two frames. It will help you to fade in and out of the objects so that you have a flowing and smoother feel instead of a jarring nature. 

  • Be Creative

Don’t just shoot a time-lapse video from one vantage point. All your shooting and editing will turn into the garbage if you fail to be creative. Make the most engaging thing your viewers should watch out of your shooting.

Make transitions and mix up a long time-lapse video with a short one which can be aerial footage or interviews so that it brings more conversion and engagement. Also, try to apply motion graphics and dynamic movement in your editing.

Capture the evolution of your construction project with a time lapse camera construction, providing a fascinating visual journey from inception to completion.

Dynamic movements such as tilting, panning, and zooming will help your video to stand out. Consider including information regarding the project, materials that are used, how many people are working, and the duration of the whole process. These things make a video very creative. 

There you go. If you keep these fie things in your mind while making your next time-lapse video, I’m pretty sure that yours one is going to stand out. To summarize the story, all you need to make it neat and clean footage with great creative skills.

Many people make a lot of time-lapse videos but they feel to attract the audience. Don’t be one of them. Creative something which is going to grab the viewer’s eyes. 

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