How To Manage Men's Wardrobe
September 30, 2015

How To Manage Men's Wardrobe


This is a guest post by MENS FASHION BLOG.IN 

How To Manage Men's Wardrobe

Frustrated of that ill maintained and topsy-turvy - excuse - for - a - wardrobe? It has been flooded with overcoats and shirts and shoes and trousers, all in a heap of mess, and still there’s the whine-y, high pitched you – ‘what do I wear!?’ (Remember that messed-up look you have in those conditions?) 

Dear men, all you need to do is take a deep breath and gear up to revamp your wardrobe. High time you do this because a guided and neat wardrobe placement not only helps you find your stuff easily, it also prevents you from shelling bucks on things you already own. (Besides, it makes a better impression on other people, umm... on your girl too!) Fortunately, it need not even cost you the earth and significantly compensates the effort you put in while getting dressed. Save time and energy too!

Here’s a simply smart, down - the - line guide to help you unclutter and reorganize. Men’s wardrobe maintenance just got better! 

Let like go with like!

Getting dressed early morning is enough difficult as a chore. Let’s stop making things worse with a disorganized closet. Think trousers with trousers and the formal shirts with the formal shirts, while casuals make home a little away. Category organizing is a better option than colour co-ordinating. (Need the jaw – dropping look for your mate’s engagement? Grab the blue blazer and chinos. Everything neatly folded and stacked in different shelves!)

Well, not a hard-fast rule that you cannot colour co-ordinate. Put the blues next to the blues, moving according to the shade, lightest to the darkest or vice versa and you can pick the colour according to our mood, any day.

Let it be seasonal

Yep! Stuff the summer clothes in bed drawers or a suitcase during winters, unless you have the rich - boy walk in closet, with more than enough room in it! Likewise, why hamper space with winter clothes making home in your wardrobe, during the scorching summers. Keep only what you need in a particular season in your closet. This way, it will be lesser on the ready - to - burst edge and will look neater.

But here too, make sure everything is stored properly. Keep your clothes sans humidity and insert mothballs to keep damaging pests at bay. Fasten all zippers and buttons, as this helps retain the shape of your clothes.

The hang brigade v/s folded buddies!

So, what is to take the pride of the place on racks and what can be done away as neatly folded piles in the shelves? Here’s the answer!

  • Hang it up – First of all, check the amount of room available to you. That decides whether it’s just the formals and more expensive apparels get there or even the casuals can be fit in (saves on ironing time later). Trousers, work shirts, suit jackets, ties and bets are better hung. Make sure you keep a centimetre of space between these (they need breathing space too!).
  • And these may be folded – Socks, tees, denim, chinos and your shorts. Simply fold and shelf!

Tools are a great investment!

Tools, your closet needs them too. Here are the essentials of a well maintained closet.

  • Hangers – You knew it! But what’s new is that it would be better if you stock on wooden handers instead of using wire hangers. They are great to maintain the shape of jacket shoulders and easily take the weight of heavy woollen and tweed coats. Clip handers are perfect for trousers.
  • Brushes and fabric debobblers – Your expensive suits, coats and trousers won’t mind being pampered! Add shoe as well as cloth brushes to your kit.
  • Pheromone glue traps – If you want an aesthetically appealing look for your closet, these are a great investment. They attract moths and other pest, which may damage clothing. Else, mothballs are an effective defence against them!

Make room for the shoes and accessories too.

Your shades, watches, cufflinks, etc. can be neatly arranged in organizers (you’ll get them at some store) and then put in a drawer. Now, that makes life easier! No more (treasure) hunts for your cufflinks while getting dressed for a formal event!

As for your shoes, a shoe rack or a separate shelf is mandatory. Additionally, you can invest in shoe trees to maintain shape of your leather shoes and protect them from moisture too, when they are not being worn.

A final word for you, mates!

Even though it sounds like a boring chore, wardrobe organizing is a little effort that comes back to you, multiplied many times. So, stop procrastinating and get to work.

Hope this guide helped you men with your wardrobe maintenance issues. Stay tuned it for more! The neat freaks (high five! We’re alike) can give in their inputs too.

This is guest blog by Men's fashion blog