Pregnancy is a remarkable period in every woman's life and pushing out life is a priceless and unexplainable experience. Nothing compares to the excitement of holding your new bundle of joy in your arms after a seemingly endless nine months journey. But soon after, you'd be forced to deal with some postpartum body changes that you never envisaged.
One such change is the postpartum hair loss that is fast becoming a bother for many new moms. Yes, it's true — your hair may start shedding and falling out in clumps a few months after delivery. It's normal, and its nature's way of getting your hair back to how it was before pregnancy.
You shouldn't panic if you're experiencing postpartum hair loss. You can slow down the shedding and regrow your hair postpartum with the safe and easy tips we'd be sharing in this article.
Hair Loss After a Baby: Why It Happens
If you paid attention to your body during pregnancy, you must have noticed some hair texture changes. Typically, pregnant women release certain hormones that stimulate hair growth during the period. These hormones do this by forcing the hair into a dormant cycle called the telogen phase.
New hair doesn't grow in the telogen phase, but the normal hair shedding doesn't occur either. This makes the hair look fuller, thicker, and lush.
But this stage doesn't last forever. With the birth of your baby, your body lets go of those pregnancy hormones in a bid to get you back to normal as quickly as possible. The resultant effect is that your hair resumes the normal hair cycle and enters the exogen phase.
The exogen phase is also called the shedding phase. In this phase, your old hair falls out to allow new hair growth in the follicles. In other words, postpartum hair loss occurs when your hair tries to get back to normal by shedding the hair it couldn't shed during pregnancy.
Tips to Regrowing Your Hair Postpartum
As you already know, postpartum hair loss is real. It's normal too. While it can be unpleasant to lose hair in substantial patches, you mustn't give in to panic. Instead, take a deep breath, get some wine, sit back, relax, and follow these easy, safe steps into regrowing your hair postpartum:
- Use a FDA-Cleared Laser Cap
What if we told you that you could stimulate healthy hair growth by just wearing a hair growth cap? It's true! You might be a laser hair growth cap away from regrowing your hair postpartum. The laser hair cap uses photo biotherapy for hair restoration. It's one of the easiest and safest methods of growing your hair after pregnancy.
- Eat Right
Having healthy hair starts with maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and a healthy lifestyle begins with consuming the right foods. Avoid junk food like the plague and ensure that you eat a balanced diet at all times. Vitamins and protein are highly crucial for boosting hair growth and maintaining healthy-looking hair.
For this reason, it'd help if you ate lots of eggs, vegetables, and oily fish. If you find maintaining a healthy diet challenging, you should complement your diet with hair growth supplements — your prenatal vitamin supplements inclusive. These supplements will help you get the essential nutrients that you may be lacking in your diet.
- Avoid Destructive Hairstyles
Take it or leave it, your hairstyling methods may be contributing to your massive hair loss. While it's convenient to style your hair with a dryer, straightener, flat, or curling iron, they can thin out your hair. You shouldn't brush your hair too hard, and neither should you brush it for too long, either. Be gentle on your hair, avoid tight and fancy hairstyles like a tight ponytail, and avoid using rubber bands for styling. Use good quality hair conditioners and wide-toothed combs to minimize tangling.
- Wash With the Right Shampoos
Your hair scalp should be clean all the time. Dirty hair scalp provides ample opportunity for dead skin cells, sweat, and oil to clog your follicles and impede healthy hair growth.
You should, however, be careful with the kinds of shampoo you use. Your regrowth shampoo should be specially formulated to boost hair growth and should not contain harsh chemicals. As a general rule, stay away from shampoos that contain sulfate. Sulfate washes healthy hair oils away, leaving your hair dry, unhealthy, dirty, and irritable.
If you're experiencing postpartum hair loss, there's good news for you. Irrespective of the severity of hair loss, you can regrow your hair postpartum using the four incredible tips discussed above. However, your hair regrowth journey, even with these tips, wouldn't yield the best results if you use the wrong products. Hair Growth Products and Hair Growth Supplements are undoubtedly the best hair regrowth products in the market today. You shouldn't miss out on them.
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