How To Prepare For The First Visit to The Best Cardiologist In Brookly – LIFESTYLE BY PS icon

How To Prepare For The First Visit to The Best Cardiologist In Brooklyn, NY

Pathologies of the heart and blood vessels are still on the list of the high-rate death causes. And if earlier age was one of the main risk factors, and mostly a patient who is over 50 years old was the one who needs a cardiologist, today heart attacks in people a little over 30 years old are recorded more frequently.

Fluttering, discomfort, and chest pain, shortness of breath, dizziness and lightheadedness which affect balance can occur suddenly and impact your well-being. Thus, strokes can unexpectedly hit even a seemingly completely healthy person. Therefore, it is possible to detect threats in a timely manner and take the necessary measures only by having an appointment with a competent and reliable cardiologist in Brooklyn.

Cardiologist In Brooklyn

A highly qualified and trustworthy cardiologist in Brooklyn knows everything about the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of heart diseases. To diagnose and prescribe the optimal therapy and develop an efficient treatment scheme, the doctor must also have extensive knowledge in related fields to ensure comprehensive medical care. A first-class specialist knows not only how to stabilize the patient's condition, for example, with mild arrhythmias, but also how to properly recover after a stroke.

What to expect during the first appointment with a cardiologist in Brooklyn, NY?

No preparation is required before visiting a cardiologist.  But it is recommended for a patient to keep a diary of blood pressure and heart rate, which will allow the doctor to receive additional information about the condition. The consultation begins with a conversation. The doctor clarifies complaints and lifestyle details. Further, a clinical examination is carried out.

The specialist listens to heart sounds, measures the pulse and blood pressure, pays attention to the color of the skin and mucous membranes. If necessary, the doctor prescribes additional studies, such as ECG (electrocardiography), echocardiography (ultrasound of the heart), or Doppler vascular examination. For a more accurate diagnosis, MRI results or a thyroid function test may be required.

Tips for a healthy heart from a cardiologist in Brooklyn

With age, the heart naturally wears out, the heart muscle weakens and loses its function. Even if a person does not notice deviations in well-being, heart malfunction can still occur. A man after 40 is the one who needs a cardiologist's recommendation and must regularly check and monitor the heart work.

A woman after 50 is more likely to suffer from cardiovascular disease. Thus, if you have no symptoms but you fall into the age category, a visit to a cardiologist is a must-have and may consist of prescribing preventive measures to support heart function. Here is some piece of advice to reduce chances of getting heart illness:

  • quit smoking and alcohol consumption: the correct lifestyle choice will strengthen the entire body, protecting you from heart issues;
  • manage your weight: all doctors recommend a balanced diet to maximize your health (meat, fish, vegetables, fruits, cereals, whole grain bread, vegetable oils, and of course, less sweet);
  • physical activity: move more, especially outdoor to deal with high cholesterol levels;
  • control your blood pressure: with a constant increase or frequent drops, it is imperative to undergo an examination;
  • handle your caffeine addiction: a huge strain on the heart muscle is given by the use of energy drinks and coffee. If possible, it is worth giving up energy drinks and reducing the daily portion of coffee;
  • maintain dental and oral hygiene: bacteria growing in the mouth increases the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Cope with tension and try to avoid stress since it promotes cholesterol growth and this compound, in turn, enhances the creation of plaque deposits in the arteries. Moreover, during emotional stress, the heart works much more actively and pumps blood 5 times faster than it must. Such sudden, severe stress on the heart muscle can lead to various heart conditions, including stroke and heart attack.