Dental Veneers
January 24, 2024

How to Make Your Dental Veneers Last for a Long Time

There are many things that can contribute to having a bad set of teeth. As a child, you probably grew up bingeing on too much sweets and failed to develop a habit of caring properly for your pearly whites, that you ended up with discoloured, damaged, or missing teeth. Injury to the mouth can also be a reason, leaving a tooth with a chipped edge or a crack. Whatever the cause is, don’t you wish you had a second chance at being able to flash a stunning smile? With dental veneers you do!

What are dental veneers?

Dental snap on veneers are aesthetic appliance used to improve the appearance of teeth imperfections. These thin shells are made from gold standard materials, such as composite or porcelain that resemble the natural colour of the teeth.

Dental veneers are attached to the teeth and cover the surface in order to hide the following cosmetic imperfections:

  • Chips
  • Cracks
  • Diastema or gaps in between the teeth
  • Discoloration
  • Oddly shaped teeth 
  • Some teeth which are noticeably smaller than neighbouring teeth

Veneers can be categorised into four types:

  • Composite
  • No-prep
  • Porcelain
  • Removable

Composite veneers are used to camouflage minor aesthetic flaws. To do this, the veneers made from composite resin material are attached to the surface of the teeth needing treatment concealing the imperfections.

No-prep veneers are veneers that can be used on the teeth that require minimal removal of the enamel to be attached.

Porcelain veneers are made from dental grade porcelain material that is strikingly similar to the natural look of the teeth. Veneers of this type are made to properly fit your dental profile. Prior to the application of porcelain veneers, some enamel are scraped from the teeth to create a rough surface which allows the veneers to be bonded strongly and and permanently onto the teeth.

Removable veneers work like retainers and can be easily snapped on and removed from the teeth. This is the latest type of veneers to be developed, so the material is far from perfect. Eating and talking can be a challenge when using veneers that are removable.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of using dental veneers?

The table below shows the advantages and disadvantages of using dental veneers:



  • Veneers are less prone to stains, unlike natural teeth
  • Veneers improve the look of your teeth 
  • Veneers mimic the appearance of your other teeth, so they seem natural to the naked eye
  • Veneers are long lasting when properly cared for
  • Veneers are easy to maintain
  • Veneers can have a positive effect on one’s mental health by boosting self-confidence
  • Veneers are can be bonded permanently and irreversible
  • Veneers can cause or worsen teeth sensitivity
  • Veneers may be dislodged or fall off
  • Veneers will require enamel removal
  • The procedure may not be covered by insurance due to its aesthetic nature

What can be done to make sure that dental veneers last for a long time?

Dental veneers offer patients the chance to have a perfect set of teeth and a great smile. While this cosmetic appliance can permanently hide imperfections, dental veneers are not fully exempted from getting damaged. Utmost care is needed to make this artificial teeth shield last longer.

Here are some tips and tricks that can be done to maintain your dental veneers at top shape:

  • Avoid putting too much pressure on your veneers. While dental veneers are strong and durable, they can crumble under too much pressure. To avoid breaking your veneers into pieces, do not use your teeth when opening packages. Teeth clenching and grinding can also cause wear and tear to your veneers. If you know that you have a habit of doing this, especially during your sleep, inform your doctor so an intervention may be set in place.

  • Practise proper oral hygiene. Just like the teeth, dental veneers need to be cared for. Use a soft-bristled tooth brush and a nonabrasive toothpaste to gently brush the surface of the veneers so as not to scratch its surface. When flossing, carefully glide the floss and be mindful not to snap the string as this can damage the veneers. Brushing and flossing on a daily basis is not enough. You should also book a visit to your dentist regularly, so your teeth and veneers can be checked and repaired when needed. Be sure to have a dental appointment twice a year and in an interval of six months.

  • Refrain from biting, chewing, or eating hard foods and/or objects. If you have a habit of biting or chewing candies, ice, or even the edge of your pen or pencil, it is best to quit this habit when your dental veneers are already in place as they can break. 

  • Skip foods and beverages that can stain the teeth. Yes, veneers do not stain as easily as the natural enamel of the teeth does, but discoloration can settle when the veneers are repeatedly exposed to foods and beverages that cause stain over a period of time. 

  • Stop smoking permanently. Not only can smoking cause negative effects to your overall health, but it can also make your veneers look unappealing by staining it. Quitting smoking can help both your veneers and body can last longer

  • How long do dental veneers last?

    The materials used for your dental veneers play a vital role in determining their lifespan.

    Composite veneers are much cheaper than porcelain veneers, therefore they are more prone to damage and stains when they do not receive proper care. At most, composite veneers can last between four to eight years before they are due for replacement.

    Porcelain veneers, on the other hand, are a lot durable and can better resist stains. Given the strength of the material used, porcelain veneers are not easily damaged, unless they encounter brute force causing injury to the mouth or are constantly neglected when it comes to practice of proper oral hygiene. Porcelain veneers that are properly cared for can last for up to ten to fifteen years.


    Dennis Tan Dental

    22 Malacca St., #03-01

    RB Capital Building


    Phone: +65 6438 5622

    Whatsapp: +65 8874 7681