Dental Braces – The Fastest Way to Straighten Your Teeth
June 21, 2021

Dental Braces – The Fastest Way to Straighten Your Teeth

Teenage years seem to be a critical period in a person’s life. The body undergoes different kind changes as one grows up. Young boys and girls who are in the adolescent stage of their lives begin to be conscious of how they look physically. The various transitions that happen in the body during this pubescent phase come naturally although not perfectly. Truth be told, there is actually no “perfect body,” that exists, but the human race has somehow created its own set of beauty standards.

Having straight teeth is considered as the ultimate beauty standard when it comes to the dental world. When a person becomes a teen, it is expected that all they have lost their primary teeth and permanent teeth are now set as replacement. Sadly, this will be the time when teens are exposed to the truth that not everyone can have flawless and straight pearly whites.

As explained by dental health experts at Dentaleh teeth misalignment and gap teeth is a result of several reasons:

  • Crowding of teeth
  • Genes
  • Habits that have a negative effect to the facial muscles as well as functions
  • Improper nutrition
  • Misaligned jaw (e.g. Crossbites, Overbite, Underbite)
  • Mouth or face injury
  • Substandard practice of oral care

Misaligned teeth can have a negative effect not only on a person’s physical wellbeing, but on their mental and emotional health as well. Here are some ways that this aesthetic dental imperfection can put a person in a bad light and mood:

  • Challenges with digestion
  • Chronic headaches
  • Development of conditions that influence the jaw
  • Further trauma to the delicate parts of the mouth
  • Poor self-worth
  • Trouble with pronunciation of words

Thankfully, this orthodontic treatment can solve these dilemmas:  Dental Braces.

How are dental braces defined?

Dental braces are devices that are attached to the teeth in order to shift each tooth to its proper place and alignment. Moreover, braces can make adjustments to the jaw to correct an improper bite.

There are those that may describe dental braces by enumerating their most common parts:

  • Brackets
  • Rubber bands
  • Wires

Aside from this, braces are also associated to pain, restrictions with food, and how unappealing they can appear when worn. Unbeknownst to a few, this dental apparatus has actually come a long way. Additional choices are now available for teens to choose from.

Over the last decade or two, breakthroughs in orthodontic and aesthetic dental procedures have brought forth new braces that use a different technique for placement or are made from other materials. These are less obvious and easier to use:

  • Ceramic braces
  • Lingual braces
  • Clear aligners

The first two types on the list above—ceramic and lingual—are similar to traditional braces. These make use of the same materials as traditional braces, like the metal wires and elastic bands. The distinction that separates them is, for ceramic braces, metal brackets are replaced with ceramic ones. These are more natural-looking as they mimic the colour of the teeth’s enamel or they may be clear. Their ability to blend in enables them to be less obvious to plain sight.

Lingual braces are identified through the manner in which they are fixed to the teeth. This type of braces is completely out of sight because they are bonded to the teeth’s back part.

Out of the most up-to-date innovations, clear aligners prove to be the most “user-friendly.” Clear aligners do not use wires, brackets, and rubber bands; instead they are made from either acrylic or transparent plastic material, which make them barely visible to the naked eye. These plastic braces are used like a mouth guard— they are fitted tightly around the teeth to give pressure and cause movement. Unlike its metal counterparts, clear aligners are detachable.

What challenges can be encountered when wearing braces?

As the main purpose of dental braces is to align crooked teeth, aches and pain is to be expected as they place pressure to push the teeth to their ideal position. This usually occurs after the braces are attached and whenever adjustments are done. Whether they are ceramic, traditional, lingual, or clear aligners discomfort will be present.

Those who wear lingual braces may have the tendency to get tongue injuries. They, too, may have difficulty with speaking due to the location of the braces. Braces that are attached to the front side of the teeth, on the other hand, may wound the inner part of the cheeks, lips, and tongue due to the brackets that may tend to rub against these sides repeatedly.

Clear aligners, albeit composed of softer materials, can still cause challenges when worn. They can likewise bring about speaking difficulty, similar to lingual braces. Furthermore, they can lead to having a dry mouth, injury to the inside part of the cheek and lips, and trigger possible allergic reaction to the material used to produce the aligners. 

What are the limitations when wearing braces?

There are quite a few limitations that people should take heed of when prior to and during the duration of their braces treatment.

For metal and ceramic braces, these include the following:

  • Diet restrictions – Foods that are hard and sticky should be avoided as these can dislodge or detach parts of the device when pieces get stuck or rub against the braces.

For clear aligners, the food limitations are minimal. However, users should bear in mind to remove the aligners whenever eating or drinking food, especially those that are hot and/or sticky, in order to protect the trays from damage.

What are the best practices to remember when wearing braces?

Topping the list of best practices to remember when wearing braces is, of course, keeping the health of the mouth in excellent shape. This means that proper oral hygiene must be kept and extra effort must be given when cleaning the teeth to ensure that no plaque or bacteria has the chance to build up and wreak havoc to the teeth.

Clear aligners should likewise be cleaned following meal times to ensure that no bacteria or food particles remain when they are used again. In addition, folks with clear aligners be mindful to have the aligners on for 20 to 22 hours daily. They must also be careful not to lose their sets of trays as these can cause additional costs for replacement.

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