The days of accepting a receding hairline or a completely bald head are quickly fading away thanks to scalp pigmentation.
Hair loss is a significant problem for countless men concerned about their personal appearance and professional success. After all, people feel good when they look good. This is precisely why scalp pigmentation has gone mainstream.
Why Hair Loss is so Traumatic
Hair loss does more than compromise one’s physical aesthetic. Hair loss also lowers self-confidence. Some men who lose their hair feel depressed, frustrated and angry.
From genetics to stress, alopecia and medications, there are numerous causes of hair loss. Scalp pigmentation is the solution. This method restores hair to its original mass, boosting the facial aesthetic. If you are interested in adding to your dental practice, consider the opportunities presented by
Also referred to as tricopigmentation and hair tattooing, scalp pigmentation is a non-surgical means of restoring hair. This approach involves the use of thousands of diminutive needles to insert pigment within the scalp’s dermal layer. The goal is to imitate regular hair follicle patterns.
This is the perfect solution for those who are losing their hair as well as those who are suffering from thinning hair. Scalp pigmentation really does add significant density to the scalp, bolstering physical appearance as well as personal confidence.
Why Scalp Pigmentation is Popular Across the World
Scalp pigmentation is popular in the United States and beyond as it is a nearly painless means of restoring hair. In fact, many patients are quick to testify scalp pigmentation does not cause any pain at all.
Furthermore, this approach is affordable, adding thickness to the scalp without busting the patient’s budget. Enhancing the visual appeal of hair is important yet dental aesthetics are also essential to maximizing physical appeal.
Whether you are looking to conceal your receding hairline, cover up unsightly scars or thicken hair that has thinned out, scalp pigmentation is worth serious consideration.
The material used for scalp pigmentation will not fade as time progresses. This is a lasting solution that maintains its structural integrity as well as its color. Though there might be a very minor alteration in color a few years after the procedure occurs, it will be slight fading.
Even if the scalp pigmentation slightly fades, a quick yet effective touch-up can be performed to beautify the pigment, optimizing personal aesthetics for years to come.
A Timely Solution to Hair Loss
Some supposed solutions to hair loss are invasive and/or require upwards of 30 sessions to complete. Alternatively, scalp pigmentation merely requires a couple two-hour sessions spaced two weeks apart for maximum impact. However, your unique hair/skin color along with the desired pigment shade ultimately determine the number of necessary sessions.
Contrary to popular opinion, scalp pigmentation is available for both men and women. If your hair is receding, thinning or completely gone, you owe it to yourself to consider the merits of scalp pigmentation.
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