How To Buy Right Electric Shaver For Men
December 01, 2018

How To Buy Right Electric Shaver For Men

Whether you think of it as art or a chore, if you're a man, you shave from time to time. Electric shavers are for people who want a quick, clean, and uniform shave.

Like with most products, you're perhaps confused with the sheer choice and variety at your disposal.

There's rotary, foil, wet, dry, and a million other types for sale. So, which electric shaver should you buy? Here's a simple guide. You can also read detail review here on electric shavers. 

1. Wet and dry electric shavers:

Dry shavers are for people who don't shave in the shower. Some people like to take their shavers into the shower.

The wet shavers are for them. However, some men have sensitive skin and are prone to acne.

Using a shaver directly on the skin can aggravate these problems. Buy a dry/wet shaver that can tolerate shaving gel or cream. Dry/wet shavers cannot be used in the shower,

2. Foil and Rotary shavers:

There are two factors to take into account. Sensitive skin and the length of your stubble. If you don't want the blade of your electric shaver to touch your skin, buy a foil shaver.

They have a thin foil that prevents the blade from coming in contact with your skin. However, foil shavers are not great for long beards. Rotary shavers are designed for this exact purpose.

They consist of multiple spinning discs that cut through long hair with ease. They are also good at reaching places. Rotary shavers are usually contoured so that they can adjust to the shape of your features.

3. Cleaning:

All electric shavers need cleaning after every use. However, these days you can buy shavers that clean automatically.

You don't have to do it. This is for the gentlemen who are extremely busy or view cleaning as a chore. If you aren't amongst those men, normal electric shavers can be cleaned manually and they are much cheaper.

4. Rechargeable and battery operated:

Battery operated electric shavers are not as powerful as a plug-in or rechargeable ones. It is best to relegate them to travel purposes only. Ideally, a plug-in rechargeable shaver is the best way to go.

How To Buy Right Electric Shaver For Men #electrical #shavers #grooming

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