5 Spectacular Hair Care Hacks for Men Looking to Improve Their Sex Appeal
May 04, 2020

5 Spectacular Hair Care Hacks for Men Looking to Improve Their Sex Appeal

The average person has 100,000 hairs on their head. Whether you fall above or below that baseline, you have the power to make what you own propel your sex appeal rather than crush it.

We see so many people squander their looks by keeping their hair disheveled or hidden under a hat for days on end. This post aims to provide you with simple hair care tips for men that will make it so your hair adds new dimensions to your confidence!

1. Stop Shampooing Daily

We can't tell you how many times guys come up to us and admit that they shampoo daily. After all, cleaner hair is healthier hair, right? Wrong!

No matter which kind of shampoo you use, it'll dry out your hair's natural oils if used in excess. That dryness translates into dull, dead hair that's prone to falling out.

We recommend capping shampooing at three times per week. You're welcome to rinse your hair on off days with warm water while showering.

2. When You Do Shampoo, Use the Good Stuff

Cheap shampoos are rife with harmful chemicals like sulfates that will kill your hair's appeal. That's why one of our top hair care tips for men is to splurge when buying your cleaning products.

No, you don't have to buy a $50 bottle of shampoo to keep your hair healthy. Just look for an average priced bottle that's sulfate-free and has good reviews. With that baseline standard in place, you can sample various products to see what jives best with your head.

3. Learn How to Use a Blow-dryer

Blow-dryers can take a man's hair from looking good to looking great. That is, of course, if you know how to use one.

While there are a lot of schools of thought on this topic, we suggest hopping out of the shower, patting your hair semi-dry, and letting it air for 5-8 minutes. When there are just trace amounts of moisture left, run your blow-dryer on low and blow at your follicle's base while brushing in the direction you like to style.

If done properly, your hair will look a lot thicker.

4. Make Visiting the Barber a Habit

There's only so much you can do with overgrown hair. Make checking into your local barbershop a habit so you can ensure that your hair is always providing you with the foundation you need to look great.

Much like shampoo brands, different barbers yield different results. If you're not blown away by your barber's work, try a new one.

5. Be Proactive When It Comes to Thinning

Dealing with thinning hair is common among males and is always hard to cope with. Fortunately, getting scalp tattoos from professionals trained in places like the micropigmentation academy or going on medications like minoxidil can help.

Talk to your barber and doctor about hair thinning solutions and you'll find new pathways to keeping your hair intact for years to come.

Leveraging the Right Hair Care Tips for Men Will Revolutionize Your Look

Your hair has a tremendous impact on your look. Armed with the right hair care tips for men, we have confidence that you can evolve your style.

If you'd like more tips on hair, fashion, and related subjects, check out the newest content we have up in our digital publication.

5 Spectacular Hair Care Hacks for Men Looking to Improve Their Sex Appeal

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