Are you tired of the same old hairstyle? Do you want to stand out from the crowd and make a statement? Look no further! Short hairstyles for men are the perfect way to embrace a bold and adventurous look. With their low maintenance and edgy appeal, these hairstyles are sure to turn heads wherever you go.
If you are the kind of working professional who needs to keep their style practical and minimal, short hairstyles are the way to go. Having a short hairstyle will not only help you keep your hair clean but it is also relatively easy to style short hairstyles with multiple different kinds of outfits.
One of the other major benefits of having a short hairstyle is that you have to add comparatively lesser product to your hair in order to style it.
This means that your hair will be relatively easier to clean as well. And particularly because of their ability to complete complement different kinds of facial structures, short hairstyles will never go out of style.
So if you want to figure out the perfect short hairstyle for yourself read our guide on the options available when it comes to styling short hair in the best possible way
Summer is here. And we're looking at some of the coolest men's short hairstyles for summer.
Summer hairstyles are all about style and comfort. Two things you should get out of your summer hairstyle are..
- It should look good
- It should be very comfortable and should keep you cool in the heat.
When we talk about summer hairstyles, the best hairstyle that comes to mind first is a buzz cut. While it's a great haircut and it can possibly keep you comfortable, but it's also a bit tricky to carry.
Less hair ==> Less sweat ==> More comfort = Best Summer Hairstyle
Not everyone can look good in a buzz cut haircut.
There are other hairstyles that you can try in summers. And we've listed 10 of our favourites below.
Now to help you nail your summer hairstyle game, we've curated 10 best men's hairstyles for summer for you.
From a classic slick back hairstyle to side fade small pomp hairstyle, we've covered some the most stylish men's hairstyles and haircuts for here.
We're sure you are going to love these hairstyles. And if you do, please share it with your friends.

10 Cool Hairstyles For Men
- Crew Cut with Side Swept Fringe and Fade
- Messy Quiff with High Fade and Beard
- High Razor Fade with Curly Hair
- Spiky Hair with Low Fade and Beard
- Textured Crop with High Bald Fade
- High Skin Fade with Hard Part and Slick Back
- Spiked Side Part with High Fade
- Low Fade with Hard Part Comb Over
- Mid Fade with Brushed Up Hair
- High Fade with Textured Hair on Top
1. Crew Cut with Side Swept Fringe and Fade
Most people will recommend a really boring hairstyle when you tell them that you want to keep your hair short. In actuality, the number of options that are available when it comes to styling your short hair is practically endless – because not only can you pick a hairstyle that you really like, you can combine or experiment with a second kind of hairstyle to make it into your own.
One great option is going for a crew cut with a swept fringe and fade. The crew cut by itself is very matter-of-fact. It is subtle minimalistic and professional. If you want to introduce a twist of your own to it, we recommend that you go with a fringe and a fade.
If you want to add even more texture to your look you can add a different color to the ends of your hair at the centre, and make your look even more edgy.
2. Messy Quiff with High Fade and Beard
You know what else makes for a really great combination when it comes to taking a classic hairstyle and adding your own personal twist to it? It is playing around with the classic timeless quiff.
If you like playing around with your hair, leaving it a little messy to add just a hint of boyish charm, go for the messy quiff. Here is why the messy quiff is absolutely perfect - style your quiff without being particularly neat about it. This gives you greater comfort and freedom when it comes to styling your hair.
Also, you don't have to think about adding heavy product to keep your quiff in place. If it gets messier around the day, it works even better. Add a high fade to this hairstyle, to give it more contrast.
And because this is the kind of hairstyle that looks great with a beard you can also experiment with different kinds of facial hair to figure out what complements your facial structure the best.
3. High Razor Fade with Curly Hair
People often do not venture a razor fade when it comes to styling curly hair, but here is why you can absolutely go for it - number one, it is an unusual choice, so it will make you stand out.
Number two, because you will have curly hair only in the centre of your head it will make maintaining your curls much easier, because that is the only zone you have to focus on.
And last but not the least, it is an effortlessly edgy hairstyle. Of course, you cannot avoid caring for your curls no matter the hairstyle, so when you are styling curly hair along with a high razor fade make sure that you go for the right kind of products.
If you have particularly thick hair, it is best to steer clear of heavy products so that they do not settle in your hair and make it look heavy.
4. Spiky Hair with Low Fade and Beard
If you are the kind of person who likes to combine boyish charm with effortless styling we recommend going for spiky hair with a low fade and some style of facial hair.
You can style your spikes in whichever way you like, but if you want to go for the way that has been shown here - you would need to do a little bit of a research on the kind of products that will work best on your hair.
As you can notice, the spikes here have a lot of volume, and they are prominent without looking very stiff. There are products that can make your hair look like this, but you will have to figure out what kind of product will bring out this particular look in your hair.
With some hair textures, lighter gels work perfectly. With others, you would need a heavier hair wax to maintain this look.
5. Textured Crop with High Bald Fade
If you are the kind of person who likes to keep their fade as pronounced as possible you can go for a bald fade. The reason a lot of people do not go for a bald fade is because it can take away from the volume of your hair.
But you can completely bypass that problem if you go for a textured crop along with a high bald fade. because the textured crop is going to draw all the attention towards the centre of your hair, will need to dedicate yourself to maintaining the crop.
Depending on the rate at which your hair grows, you will have to visit your stylist regularly to get timely trims.
Also, if you want to have your hair swept towards the front, like in the look here, you would need to style your hair with your fingers first and then your comb.
6. High Skin Fade with Hard Part and Slick Back
This can be another option for those who like to keep their fade really pronounced. There are three main elements of this particular hairstyle. The first, of course, is the skin fade.
Because this is a really prominent kind of a fade you have to make sure that you are comfortable with it. The second part of it is the hard parting - which is what gives this hairstyle a timeless effect.
Hard parting has been a constant in men's hairstyle for decades now. The third part of this hairstyle is the slicked back hair.
This is the part that you will be maintaining the most on a personal level, so invest in a good product that will not weigh down your hair and yet give your hair the kind of hold necessary to make your hairstyle last around the clock.
7. Spiked Side Part with High Fade
If you are the kind of person that really enjoys a side parting in your hair, particularly because of its timeless charm, you can also go for a spike side parting with a high fade.
Unlike a lot of the other hairstyles on this list this hairstyle combines a lot of contrasting elements to create a really effective look. In the spiked side parting, the playfulness of spikes and the classic charm of a side parting are combined.
The best thing about the side parting is, of course, the fact that you can change it to suit your face. Adding the high fade to it just levels up the style quotient of your hairstyle.
If you want to maintain this hairstyle without letting your high fade go, you would need to visit your stylist pretty regularly to maintain the overall appeal of the look. If you want the hair to look a little messier on the front, it is best to style with your fingers.
8. Low Fade with Hard Part Comb Over
You can also go for a low fade with a hard part comb over. This one is actually a little easier to style because of the comb over itself. In fact, it has been such a constant that you probably have done some version of it in the past, so you will have some practice with it.
Hard parting means that the parting that you introduce into this hairstyle is really pronounced, with the volume of your hair concentrated on either sides of the parting.
As you can notice on this hairstyle, one side of the hair has a sharper fade compare to the other. The comb over in this case is rather pronounced, but that is because the kind of product used on the top of the hair is different from the ones that is used at the bottom.
You would probably need a heavier product at the top to ensure that the comb over holds throughout the day.
9. Mid Fade with Brushed Up Hair
Another really interesting hairstyle to try out if you have shorter hair is a mid-fade with brushed up hair. The best part about this is the kind of volume that it affords to your hairstyle.
Your chief concern here is to keep the central part of your hair clean and well maintained on a personal level. The rest of this hairstyle will have to be sorted out by a stylist.
Yes, it goes without saying that you will need certain amount of practice to make sure that your hair looks concerted with the brushed up volume at the centre, because if you do not do it carefully, you can come across looking rather unkempt.
But generally speaking, if your hair does look a little messy it might actually add to the overall charm of the look. You would need a different kind of hairbrush to get this look right, so you will have to consult with your stylist for the kind of brush that works the best for your hair.
10. High Fade with Textured Hair on Top
Last but not the least, you can also go for a high fade with textured hair on the top. Once again, the fade in this case will be really pronounced and because of the texture on the hair on the top of your head you will draw a lot of attention to the centre of your head.
This means that you will have to keep your hair really clean and moisturized. You will need some practice with styling your hair the right way in this particular look, but this look is worth the effort.
If it is high on effort, it is also high on the pay off. Not only does it go really well with the vast range of outfits, it can give you a mature as well as boyish charm.

Our Style Guide

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