What Massage Is Best for Lower Back Pain?
August 23, 2022

What Massage Is Best for Lower Back Pain?

Many of us come home after work tired, with intrusive lower back pain every day. This soreness can be caused by different reasons, from physical tension to severe disease. At the same time, there are various methods to eliminate this distress or decrease it. Massage can be an effective part of lower back pain treatment. 

If you face this issue, you should visit a doctor who will examine your case and prescribe a particular type of pain relief technique. It is vital since incorrect manipulations might not help but hurt you. This article considers the best massage types for lower back pain. Some of them must be performed only by a licensed massage therapist; others you might carry out by yourselves at home with special items or devices like a massage gun. You can find more information about percussive therapy for the lower back and a step-by-step manual on https://massageforbody.com/.

Why Does Lower Back Pain Occur?

The lumbar area, the zone from the tailbone to the bottom of the chest, frequently has a large load. Imagine intervertebral discs receive a load of about 100 kg in a standing position. It causes wearing out and deformation of lumbar discs much more often than in other back parts. Therefore, even weak pain sensations can become an alarming signal about developing a severe disease. Besides, there are other causes of lower back pain. Look at the list below and think if these facts relate to you.

Causes of lower back pain:

  • You fell and bumped;
  • You lifted something heavy;
  • You stretched muscles;
  • You have incorrect posture;
  • You keep a sedentary lifestyle;
  • You bend the back forward during long exercises.

If you can approve one of these points, you should consider massage therapy as a preventative or analgesic event. A qualified lower back massage might provide many advantages, from speeding blood circulation up to relaxing muscles and relieving your body pain and pain-related stress. 

5 Massage Techniques for Lower Back Pain

Lower back pain is a common complaint among modern people regardless of their activity. We want to share some techniques that probably help soothe your soreness. Before the procedure, it is necessary to consult your therapist to choose a method for your needs. It will be best to pass courses with 10 sessions. 

  1. Sweden massage 

This technique is one of the simplest massage forms. It focuses on releasing the tension, which can provoke lower back pain. Massage is performed on a whole body and supposed moderate pressure level, long stroking, tapping, and deep circle movement. These manipulations enable us to relax, stimulate nerve endings and improve lymph flow and blood circulation.

  1. Deep massage tissues

The procedure is recommended for stretching muscles and sports traumas with sharp pain. It is carried out by experienced therapists only. They know how to work with the target group of muscles, apply more pressure, and penetrate deep into the tissue and muscles. It might help relieve chronic tension. Sometimes, the course is intense pressure with palms, forearms, and even elbows to reach a result. However, you are always free to say about your discomfort and ask a masseur to reduce pressing.

  1. Hot stone massage

A masseur uses smooth, sterilized stones heated in distilled water during this procedure. Hot stones can increase blood flow, oxygen, and nutrients to the affected area, stimulate sensory receptors, and reduce pain transmission to the brain. In general, the warm help to relax muscles and tissues, making them more pliable to relieve pain.

  1. Trigger point therapy

Unlike other methods, this one focuses on some specific problem zone, so this therapy should be adequate for lower back pain. In addition, a procedure aims to work with muscle knots and sensitive areas of tense muscles.

  1. Self-massage

Non-acute lower back pain can result from unusual load or activity, physical stress, and even sitting in front of the screen all day at the office. In the last case, for prevention, it is recommended to rest for 5 minutes every hour and knead the back and neck muscles. You should get a medical consultation to know whether your pain does not connect to a significant illness. Then, you might learn simple techniques and perform a full-blown self-massage session. 

You are free to massage yourselves by hand or apply extra equipment. Most massage guns are developed so that you can utilize them by yourself. However, you also can ask your friends or family members to perform the procedure.

How Do Massage Guns Work?

A massage gun is usually a portable electric device enabling percussion generation for topical application. But it is not something that just vibrates on your body’s surface. Instead, proper using a massage gun might knead deeper muscles, speeding lymph and blood flow up and preventing microscopic tears of muscle fibers after unexpected strains on your muscles. It is also an excellent choice for relaxing the lower back after exercises. 

Is a Massage Always a Good Idea?

Two types of a pain measure their duration — acute and chronic. Massage is advised in cases with acute pain, which might be eliminated for 3 months after therapy. Chronic pain caused by a severe disease might go away short-term after a massage, but it will likely come back again and again. 

Despite all the benefits of massage, in some cases, it can have the opposite effect. There are several contraindications to lumbar massage: 

  • Severe diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • Fever; 
  • Dermatological diseases of the back; 
  • Suspicion of internal bleeding; 
  • The first trimester of pregnancy;
  • Oncological diseases;
  • A state of alcoholic or drug intoxication. 

The Shortest Path to Health

The lower back is the most vulnerable part of the back, getting the most significant loads. As a result, pain in this area can often occur. The good thing is in many cases, and the problem might be solved with massage therapy. Wellness massage sessions might help eliminate pain syndrome and prevent the development of diseases in the locomotor system. After the first procedure, you likely feel eagerly awaited relaxation in the back muscles and the whole body.

Lower Back Pain


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