Make Treadmill Running Fun
November 28, 2022

Want To Make Treadmill Running Fun? Here Are 7 Ways to Make It Out

If you have ever had a terrible surge of guilt and dread in your gut every time you stumbled on that treadmill you bought but haven’t come around to use it enough to justify the expense – this is for you. A simple guide to making treadmill running fun.

Every time getting in shape, burning fat, or simply hitting a fitness goal was on the table, you knew buying your very own treadmill was a no-brainer. But no matter how many reminders you’ve set for treadmill time, no matter how many times you’ve followed through, you just hate treadmill running. 

Running (on and off the treadmill) is hard. Often, quitting becomes an option – at times, even the only option. But you are no quitter. The only key ingredient you are missing here is some pleasure. Whether you’re running or walking on a treadmill, making it fun is the only way to do it day in and day out. 

I know – easier said than done. But lucky for you, we have here everything you need to let your inner fun-seeking monster loose. By the end, you will find out how to seek satisfaction with every step, don’t hold back. Let’s make your time on the treadmill fun.  

  • Listen to music

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    Sometimes, a little pick-me-up music is all we need to turn up the mood. Listening to music might be the answer to melt away the treadmill boredom. Music is good for your creativity, stress, and above everything, your mood. It’s a great escape and a catalyst for changing your state of mind. 

    The lyrics are not the main attraction here, but the good vibes are. OK, if we are being honest, it might take you some time to get the right feel-good song, but moving to the sound of the beat and smiling with glee on the treadmill is bound to be fun. 

  • Get a Partner

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    It’s easy to fall into the treadmill rut, more so if you don’t take the time to carve out a little fun for yourself. The typical fitness-buddy system is always a great way to do just that – having a partner is good for making spontaneous breaks in your routine. It brings something fresh to the mix. 

    Yes, you’ve been doing it all alone for some time now, and you have had an impressive run, but doing the same thing over and over is draining. And so, spicing things up with a partner can help you find inspiration for treadmill running and be in tune with your competitive side. 

  • Mix things up 

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    There is a spark in there somewhere, you just need to find it. You need that spark to spice things up when things get a bit monotonous on the treadmill. Try something new next time. If you have been running, try jogging. Try walking if jogging has been your thing. 

    It doesn’t matter what, just pick something new that isn’t in your usual routine. Mixing things up will help keep your treadmill running routine on its toes. Defying circumstances – create a list of new, exciting ideas to try for your next treadmill session. 

  • Use Apps 

  • If you think the quest to get fit and stay in better shape ends with buying the best treadmill you can find, you couldn’t be more wrong. Everyone (even experienced folks) can use a bit of extra fire to make treadmill running fun, or perhaps a bit more structured – that’s where Apps come in. 

    Here are the top three: 

    Nike + Run Club (NRC)

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    Only the best stuff comes from Nike (think sneakers, celebrity brands, and now, one of the best workout apps). Nike + Run Club is an app for people who aim to eliminate boredom and ingest fun into treadmill workouts. There are over 50 guided runs starring Nike all-stars. 

    Peloton Digital

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    You had to have seen this one coming: even without the fancy equipment, you can still take advantage of the nearly 200 treadmill studio live and on-demand sessions. Peloton digital crushes it at treadmill running. Not just running but having a lot of fun while you are at it. 


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    Get up at the crack of dawn and put on your fitness gear; it's Zwift time. Twenty. Minutes. A day. That’s all Zwift is asking from you to make each run more fun than the last. This rising star is changing treadmill running as we know it with treadmill running classes where fun and pleasure are the order of the day. Before buying a monthly plan, make sure you own a Zwift-compatible treadmill.

  • Watch Videos 

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    You need inspiration. And what’s better than jumping into the internet rabbit hole for random videos and on-demand content? Regardless of where you stand on the treadmill running journey, you are sure to find videos for much-needed inspiration and yes, fun. So why not?

    Watching videos will bring out the hidden chemistry between you and your treadmill goal. It takes the guesswork out of making treadmill running fun for you, by showing you how the pros keep getting it right. What’s more? You’re not restricted to fitness videos alone, anything goes. 

  • Listen to audiobooks or podcasts

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    Treadmill boredom can be reduced with the use of sound – that fact is clear. But taking a break from your music playlist: how about an audiobook or podcast for change? Listening to podcasts and audiobooks on the go is good for entertainment, and even better for reducing the workload.  

    It’s good for brain stimulation. There is a lot of science out there to back this claim. Plus, it helps that listening to an audiobook or podcast on your daily treadmill run makes for a textbook case of hitting two birds with one stone. You improve your physical and mental strengths. 

  • Make a workout schedule, set your goals, and stick to them

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    It seems a little obvious to bring this up, but as we wrap up this guide, it is best to get back to the basics. Now, it’s not all fun and games, but there is always something good in store for people who schedule time for the treadmill, have goals, and stick to them. 

    Treadmill running can be tedious, and its repetitive nature adds to the boredom. But who says this can’t be fun? To make this fun, you should probably give the treadmill the attention it deserves and devote the time and energy to make it fun. So, why not make your own today? 

    Wrapping up…

    Treadmill running is not a short-term game. After all, you made the long-term investment of buying a treadmill for personal use. Put on your fun-seeking hat as you hit the treadmill and remind yourself that you are in control of the boredom – it all comes back to what you are doing to make treadmill running fun.

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