mistakes runners make
September 20, 2017

The Biggest Mistakes Beginning Runners Make

Want to get fit, well then why not start running? However, make sure to follow these tips before you do – these are the mistakes commonly made.

However, make sure to follow these tips before you do – these are the mistakes commonly made.

1. They just run.

    When I started training for my marathon, I ran a lot. I did not do any other type of exercise.

    My legs hurt.

    I didn't look forward to my daily jogs anymore.

    As a result, I realized that I needed to switch it up a bit and do some cross-training for variation.

    2. They stop right after their workout.

    When I completed my first 10K, I practically collapsed on the couch when it was over.

    That was not the right thing to do; my muscles stiffened and I had trouble walking all week.

    Since then, I've realized how important it is to keep my body going following a big run.

    I walk, I stretch and I do other activities to ensure that my muscles don't seize up.

    3. They change their diet before running.

    One day, I had a long run scheduled. I had not gone to the grocery store, so I didn't have my normal morning meal.

    Just under an hour into the run, I started experiencing cramps and eventually threw up.

    Keep your diet the same.

    4. They shoot for the stars.

    It is good to have goals, but they should be realistic goals.

    When I did my first half-marathon, I wasn't ready.

    I didn't train the way I needed to. I hurt my body as a result, and I learned the importance of taking it slow so that I adequately prepare my body.

    5. They don't rest.

    I really wanted to meet my running goals, and I thought the way to do it was to push myself every day of the week.

    I wound up being so tired that I couldn't run. Now, I schedule in rest days so that I can keep going strong.

    6. They don't pay attention to form.

    In the beginning, I neglected my form.

    Then I got hurt. Now I know that form is important if I want to be the best runner possible.

    Getting the right sort of shoes for your pronation can help and the best way to do this is through a company such as Orthotic Shop.

    They have a wide range of different shoe shapes for different needs.

    7. They try to do it all.

    I was really excited to improve at running. Each time I went on a jog, I wanted to achieve a personal record.

    At first, it seemed like a good plan. I was motivated. I was working hard.

    But then I got a stress fracture, and I realized that I couldn't keep up that pace.

    8. They don't work their legs or hips.

    I completely forgot about my hips when I started, and as a result, I experienced IT Band syndrome.

    That made running really difficult, to the point that I was diagnosed with a stress fracture. Both form and strength training is very important in this process.

    9. They don't replace their shoes.

    Since I was new to this process, I didn't realize that a number of miles you put on your sneakers have a direct impact on how long they last.

    I was on a very long run when my feet began to swell and hurt. I cut that run short and went to the doctor, who told me that my shoes were no longer good.

    I now know to keep a few pairs of shoes on hand and to switch them out!

    biggest mistakes runners make