A Workout Area Over Which You Have Control
Putting together a fitness studio on a personal level is generally something you do in your home. Maybe you section off one room specifically for the purpose of exercising. Maybe one whole level of your house is sectioned off for such a purpose. In contrast, if you’ve got access to space that’s not in your home, you might make that space into a fitness studio.
Say you’ve got a business office in a leased space where you have headquarters for your small business. It could definitely be worth your while to use part of that space for fitness. This can provide employees with expanded health opportunities, and such space may even be used in a profitable way—you can invite clients to your private gym. And of course, some who are starting a new fitness studio do it solely for business purposes.
That’s why this writing doesn’t discriminate: whether you’re starting your own gym for your own reasons, or putting together a fitness studio for profit, the following considerations are designed to help streamline your efforts. Specifically, in this writing, we’re going to look at seven things to think about as you design a studio for fitness.
1. Structural Stability: An Attic May Not Be A Good Idea
If you’re renting space in a business application, this section likely won’t apply to you quite so much. Money is more available for such undertakings. When it comes to home gyms, budget is a bigger concern.
One of the big issues people have with putting together their own fitness studio is its location, and cost plays a part. If you’re in a house with only a thousand square feet and two bedrooms, you may only have a small amount of space in the kitchen or living room to use as your studio. Now, that doesn’t mean you can’t put a fitness studio in that space; it just means you’ll need to be creative.
For example, tiny homes that have lofted beds in “storage spaces” above a restroom or kitchen might requisition the space for stretching. If your primary mode of fitness is using rowing machines, it may not matter that the loft only has four feet of clearance; you’re mostly sitting down.
At any rate, things like this make it so people who are fitness conscious are apt to put their exercise studio somewhere like the unfinished basement, or the attic. This can be problematic. If you’re putting your space in the attic, the boards of the floor may not be strong enough to sustain the repeated impact of jogging on a treadmill or doing jumping jacks. However, if you don’t have money for a larger gym, you may have to make do.
You want to be sure wherever you end up putting your studio, it’s not going to represent a danger. Essentially, you want the fitness studio to be capable of accepting what “abuse” is necessary to get you in shape and keep you there. So be sure in a structural sense that attics or other spaces won’t put you or others who might use the studio at unnecessary risk. In terms of risk, businesses need to be sure leased or purchased space is safe for the same reasons.
2. Atmosphere: Heat, Cool, And Available Oxygen
An exercise studio in the basement will likely be in a structurally stable area of the home, but such areas tend to be warmer than other areas of the house owing to associated heating.
Generally, it’s not an issue if the room is too cool—especially if you’re working up a sweat, that’s what you want. However, working out in a freezer probably isn’t the best, either! A good rule of thumb is to keep the room at a minimum of sixty degrees Fahrenheit, but unless you’re doing something like sweat yoga, probably keep it cooler than eighty degrees. Cooler rooms are more conducive to movement.
Be sure whatever room you choose won’t stifle your ability to breathe, either. Rooms with poor circulation or ventilation could make it difficult for you to achieve your exercise goals--that goes for homes and business exercise areas. This can be fixed by opening a window, but not every exercise space has windows; so take this into account before you move all the equipment to a potential area.
3. Hygiene: Are There Cleaning Supplies? Can You Shower?
Home gyms don’t tend to be as fastidious about personal hygiene as those in traditional public spaces, however, that doesn’t mean you should avoid such cleanliness. Water bottles with cleaning solutions and atomizers can be used to spray down and wipe equipment after each use. This will reduce unwanted odors from the space.
Such water bottles are a good idea for large or small gyms--the “M” this fleshes out involves an associated exercise “mindset”. If things stink, it’s hard to get your mind off that and on your exercise regimen.
Also, if you’re running a private gym with multiple members, such custodial concerns may represent a legal requirement in your area. Similarly, it is worth your while to assure your gym has some sort of personal cleaning facilities. If you’re in your home, you don’t have to worry about this so much—most homes have a restroom with a shower, after all!
However, if your fitness studio is somewhere else, this could be a very important piece of the puzzle overall. Certainly, there are offices that have shower facilities on-site. If you’re starting a private gym, this could be one of the items you use to help you choose a rental location. However, if there’s a money issue, it may not be feasible to install shower facilities on-site.
4. Specific Equipment To Consider
What sort of exercise are you going to do in your studio? This section is going to lean on the “mindset” side of things, which will collaterally contribute to “motion”. You’ve got to have a mindset aligned with the motion you’ll be involved with primarily.
So: will you be lifting weights, or will you be focusing on calisthenics? Will you take a little from “column A” and a little from “column B”? For most studio fitness facilities, treadmills are key. A focus on best treadmill options for your situation is certainly recommendable, and you’ll find some notable units at the link.
Of course, it will depend on what your particular motion mindset is, and what money you have available for acquisition. Beyond the treadmill, you may want to explore options in elliptical devices.
Stationary exercise bikes can also do a lot for you, and there are now exercise “mirrors” that use “Smart” technology of the Internet of Things (IoT) variety to help you work out in a way that provides better results more quickly. Smart mirrors with weights are now available.
5. Fitness Goals: What Sort Of Outcomes Are You Seeking?
Mindset is the consideration here: if you’re trying to eliminate all fat and become a mound of muscle, you’ll want options to facilitate a full-body workout.
If you’re just looking to stay in shape generally and keep off the extra calories, you may just need a few pieces of calisthenic equipment. The studio you build for exercise should reflect the goals you’re looking to achieve through regular workouts. Money will play a part here as well, but where there’s a will, there’s a way.
6. Usage: How Many People Will Be In The Studio At One Time?
If you’re building a private studio for you and you alone, you don’t need a lot of space, and you don’t need a lot of equipment. If you and your spouse will be in the studio regularly, you’ll likely need a little more space and equipment. If your whole family is using the studio, even more space and equipment are needed.
For a private workout studio with multiple members, said needs expand further. So, know about how many people you can expect in the space on an average day, and assure you’ve got proper facilities to serve them.
Proper space for regular attendees will require money, you’ll need a mindset to direct that money, and the end result should facilitate proper motion. The larger the gym, the more likely you’ll do well to spend money on a sound system for music.
7. Space: Know How Much You Need
This was briefly alluded to in the first point, but deserves a little expansion: you want your fitness studio somewhere that gives you enough room to exercise. Certainly, the reality is, you only need enough space to jog, spin around, and do some calisthenics. However, especially if you’re looking at multiple machines, you might want more space.
Those with tiny homes find all sorts of creative ways of stowing equipment. Just as a table or bed can be put on a hinge so it can be stored vertically against the wall, there are similar options for treadmills or exercise bikes. These options may be a little bit more expensive, but they can allow you to maximize small space if necessary.
A More Optimally-Designed Fitness Studio
When finding the right space, and filling that space with exercise equipment, it’s important to take music, motion, money, and music into account. These four “Ms” will play a key part in determining the necessary area for your workout space. They’ll also be important in helping you figure out how many regular attendees will be there.
Money and mindset specifically will play into fitness goals and associated equipment considerations. Hygienic options should be taken into account as well, and you should think about the atmosphere of the area. Lastly, take into account its overall structural stability.
Between these seven points, you should be able to put together a workout studio that serves the needs of all who use it. Whether you’re an individual looking for a single solution, you’re part of a couple, or you’re putting together a large gym, all these considerations will be something you’ll have to think about.
Essentially, equipping a new fitness studio will involve the same aspects regardless of its side; it’s just how those elements are balanced that differs.
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