We all have different reasons to go to the gym. Our motivation varies from muscle building, strength building, confidence building, and total body transformation. If you follow the right gym workout routine, you will get exactly what you need. However, finding and sticking to the right gym workout routine is very difficult.
A good workout routine should be based on your physical abilities and a good time frame to set some short-term fitness goals. If you're a beginner, you might want to check out our beginner's guide to the best compound exercises. This guide will dive deep into a 12-day gym workout plan that will help you get your sweat on while still enjoying the holiday season.
Image 1 – https://pixabay.com/photos/people-man-exercise-fitness-health-2604149/
First things first, establish daily goals or challenges that will keep you going as you progress in your beginner gym workout. Last, remember to begin each workout with a 3-minute warm-up and conclude with a cooldown.
Day 1: Core
We begin day 1 of the gym workout plan with core exercises. This entails torso rotation, pullover crunch, side crunch, and 3 forearm plank pull/3 back extensions. Perform each exercise for 10 reps, 1 set in a circuit format. Daily challenge: 15 seconds of plank hold and 25 reps of squats.
Day 2: Legs
This gym workout routine entails a single leg squat, bridge press (single leg), glute press, side-lying squat and leg lift. Perform the exercises for 10 reps, 1 set in a circuit format. Daily challenge: 30-second plank hold and 4 reps of push up/pike up.
Day 3: Arms
At the beginning of day 3, you may have noticed that these gym workout routines require time and dedication. Carve out a sweat schedule to keep up with the rest of the days.
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Day 3 gym workout plan includes lateral raises, flies/hug tree circles, surfer row, and glide board dips. Perform 10 reps, 1 set of each exercise. Daily challenge: 45 seconds of plank hold and 25 reps (per leg) lunges.
Day 4: Total body workout
The total body workout comprises a set of exercises that were done on the previous days. Perform 10 reps, 1 set of 2-way squats (leg front and side), bridge press, 3 forearm plank pull/3 back extension, torso rotation, surfer row, and arm circles. Daily challenge: 1-minute plank hold and 8 reps of push up pike up.
Day 5: Legs and Core
The intensity of the gym workout plan increases on day 5. You will do 10 reps, 2 sets of a step-up knee up, straight leg lowers, rev lunge and twist, lateral lunge and rotate, and side knee tucks. Daily challenge: 75 seconds plank hold and 75 reps of squats.
Day 6: Arms and Core
Perform 10 reps, 2 sets of bicep presses, lat pull and back extension, bicycle punch, pullover crunch, and plank slides. Daily challenge: 90 seconds of plank hold and 12 reps of push up pike up.
Day 7: Cardio and Core
Perform 10 reps, 2 sets of jump squats, split jumps, cable jump crunch, and cable leg lower. Daily challenge: 105 seconds of plank hold and 50 lunges per leg.
Day 8: Total body challenge
Perform 10 reps, 2 sets of alternate jump squats and split jumps, rev lunge and twist, bicep presses, lat pull and back extension, pullover crunch, and cable leg towers. Daily challenge: 2 minutes of plank hold and 16 reps of push up pike up.
Image 2 - https://pixabay.com/photos/weights-lifting-power-training-gym-817635/
Day 9: Legs and Cardio
The legs and cardio gym workout routine includes 20 reps, 1 set of step-up crossovers, skaters, sticky feet, and lunge drops. Daily challenge: plank hold for 135 seconds and 125 reps of squats.
Day10: Arms and Cardio
Perform 20 reps, 1 set of 4 mountain climbers and one push up, bicep equilibrium, triceps equilibrium, and inchworm push up. Do a 150 seconds plank hold and 20 reps of push up or pike ups.
Day 11: Core and Cardio
We are now closing in on the final days of the gym workout routine. Perform 20 reps, 1 set of burpees, press-ups, leap overs, incline forearm, knee tucks, and flutter kicks. Perform a 160-second plank hold and 75 lunges per leg.
Day 12: Total body challenge
By day 12, you should be able to achieve 180 seconds of plank holds 300 total squats and lunges and 24 consecutive reps of pushups. The 12th-day total body gym workout routine is 20 reps, 1 set of step-up cross overs, sticky feet, leap overs, incline forearm knee tucks, biceps/triceps equilibrium, and press-ups.
The best gift you can give your body this holiday season is a little workout. The above gym workout routines require your bodyweight movement, self-motivation and proper form to complete.
The 12-day routines are daily goals designed to be done all at once. However, noting that we are all at different fitness levels, don’t be too hard on yourself if you cannot complete the gym workout routines all at once.
Pace yourself throughout the day and knock out each workout from your checklist once completed. Remember to stay motivated for the following day’s challenge and reward yourself for every accomplishment.
Author Bio:
Elizabeth Skinner is an academic writer who’s the go-to writer for many students across the globe when they need superior quality thesis, dissertation, college essays and homework writing.
Besides, she’s a blog and article writer in business, science and health categories. Her long-standing experience in the writing field has won her many accolades from the industry experts.
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