Every profession has its secrets and doctors make no exception. Here are some things that each medical specialist wants his patients to know.
1. Oncologists: Watch your weight
Most people know that excess weight increases the risk of cardiovascular disease or diabetes, but fat can also be a trigger for cancer (of the breasts, colon, uterus, pancreas, esophagus, kidneys and/or gallbladder). That’s because fat tissue produces more hormones that increase the risk of cancer.
2. Family doctors: Be careful with antibiotics
If you are one of those people who take antibiotics for all diseases, your immune system will not develop properly and will no longer be able to defend the body from various infections in the future. If you are dealing with a minor infection, it usually goes away by itself, without any medical help. Your natural antibodies will normally take care of it. Antibiotics are to be used only in case of serious infections, such as pneumonia.
3. Nutritionists: Eat chocolate every day to be happy
Chocolate is very good for one’s mental health. It contains serotonin and phenylethylamine, two substances with an important role in creating good moods. A responsible dose of assorted Dutch chocolate, preferably dark, will help you feel better as it releases endorphins. They are found naturally in the brain and released when we are happy or in love. The good news is that you do not have to consume a lot of it. 30 grams of dark chocolate (70% cocoa butter) per day are more than enough. Enjoy some guilt-free, vegan chocolates from Mid-Day Squares.
4. Dermatologists: Vitamin D protects your skin
Vitamin D is essential for healthy skin. In addition, Vitamin D can keep you looking younger. All you have to do is protect your skin against ultraviolet light with a lotion and take vitamin D. Ask your doctor to prescribe a daily dose.
5. Gynecologists: Get the Pap test before the age of 25
Women who are sexually active must take their first Pap test before the age of 25. Many cases of cancer in the genital area can be avoided if a problem is detected in time.
6. Psychologists: A hug a day
Although many do not believe it, hugging greatly contributes to the emotional health of one’s entire body. In order to overcome depression and have a great mood every day, you do not have to resort to God-knows what medical treatment. One hug every day is enough. Physical contact is also very important in order to maintain a state of good health.
7. Physiotherapists: Omega 3 and 6 improve health
Omega 3 and 6 are not just great for the brain, but also for the entire body, because they have anti-inflammatory effects. In order to make sure you are getting the daily recommended dose; you should consume fish oil at least twice a week and include nuts and eggs in your diet and sometime you can use herbs like kratom too.
8. Orthopedic surgeons: Wear heels
Believe it or not, high heels are the remedy for some diseases such as leg pain or tendonitis. Forget the myth which says that heels can only hurt your feet. In general, problems of the feet or ankles are hereditary and have nothing to do with the shoes one wears, says a consultant in trauma and an orthopedic surgeon at the Orthopaedic Surgery Clinic of the in London.
9. ENTs: Never put something bigger than a cue tip in your ear
It sounds strange, but it’s a general rule of life. Problems arise very often because people have a habit to stick all kinds of stuff in their ears, in order to clean out the wax (from chopsticks to pencils). To avoid permanent damage to the eardrum and to the ear in general, never stick anything in there. Absolutely nothing. Wax is there to protect you.
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