6 Mistakes Gym Beginners Should Avoid
August 22, 2023

6 Mistakes Gym Beginners Should Avoid

Everyone knows that there’s a lot of value in joining a gym and regularly working up a sweat. But of course, you can’t expect to get all of the benefits just because you’ve got a membership. It’s what you do with that membership that counts. Though it’s not overly complicated, you’ll still need to put time into ensuring that you do things correctly — after all, far too many begin their exercise journey only to find that it didn’t bring them all that much in the end.

In this post, we’ll run through some of the common mistakes that gym beginners make, as well as offer some helpful tips to ensure that you don’t make them yourself!

Gym mistakes

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Picking a Fancy Gym

It’s easy to see the temptation of joining a fancy gym. After all, who doesn’t want to have a swimming pool, spa, all the latest equipment, and so forth? However, in nearly all cases, the best option is to join the gym that’s closest to you. A great gym is all good and well, but if it’s a thirty-minute drive away, then you’ll only go semi-regularly, and that’s not how you get a sculpted body!

Waiting for Inspiration

When you join a gym, you should commit to going at least three times a week. Just put it into your schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Friday (or whatever days work best for you). You won’t always want to go, but you’ll be happy once you’re there — and you’ll be walking on clouds once you leave. All too often, people wait until they feel like going for a workout, which invariably means that they never end up going. Don’t overthink it: just grab your stuff and get out the door. 

Playing Around

It’s good to set goals when you go to the gym. Are you trying to lose weight, get sculpted, or add muscle mass? You don’t have to have a rigid target in mind, but a general objective is good. This will also help you to avoid one of the common problems that people fall into all the time: just playing around at the gym. There are some gym machines that are intuitive to use, but the good ones need a little bit of understanding. Figure out what each of the gym equipment is for, and then use the ones that you need. It’ll make your journey towards fitness success much more straightforward.

Not Thinking About Their Intake

If you speak to ultra-fit people who have excellent all-around fitness, you’ll discover that what they do in the gym is only half the battle. The other half is what they put into their body. You can’t expect to lose weight if you’re spending thirty minutes on a treadmill, but then eating fast food meals all the time. Similarly, you can’t expect to gain muscle if you’re lifting weights, but not incorporating liquid protein supplements into your fitness plan. Your body needs the right things if it’s going to be at its best, and physical exercise is only a small part of that equation.

Expecting Instant Results

There’s nothing more frustrating than spending 3 hours in the gym each week, only to look at your body and see that…nothing has happened. But here’s the thing: you can’t expect instant results. The changes happen first on the inside, and then on the outside. In all, you should expect to wait around 1 - 2 months before you notice the physical changes. Many people give up on the gym after a few weeks because they think it’s not having an impact, but it is — you just can’t tell yet.

Focusing Too Much on Physical Benefits

Many people think that they should go to the gym because of all the physical benefits it brings. After all, there’s much to love about having a sculpted body. However, you can argue that the physical benefits should be the secondary factor. The first one should be the mental health benefits that it brings. It’s no secret that working out can do wonders for your mental well-being — it’s one of those things that have been shown to have a great impact on depression, for example. So don’t be totally preoccupied with the physical side of things. Your mental health is just as important!


As we’ve said, there’s a lot of value in joining a gym. But to get to the most from your efforts, you’ll need to take the time to get things right. Do that, and you’ll be setting yourself up for success! 

6 Mistakes Gym Beginners Should Avoid

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