If you have assumed till today that varicose vein only affects women, then you will be surprised to know that men are equally prone to suffer from this condition. The good news is that it can be easily treated as well just like in women.
The first step towards the treatment plan is to have sufficient knowledge about it hence we have listed a few facts below regarding the same;
1. Varicose Veins is Not Just an Aesthetic Issues:
Varicose veins if caused in women have higher chances of getting treated at the right time than men as women are concerned about the aesthetics of how it looks but most men are not bothered about that. But you should know that leaving it untreated can be dangerous as it can cause further complications.
The function of healthy veins is to pump the blood back to your heart but if you suffer from vein issues such as varicose veins, the veins do not fully function due to being twisted and swollen that may cause pain.
The pain in legs also indicated that the blood flow from the legs to the heart is restricted which is not at all a cosmetic issue but much more serious. Leaving it untreated can cause major complications hence the best course of treatment would be to visit a vein treatment center or a vein doctor in Phoenix to decide the further treatment plan.
2. You are Not Alone:
Varicose veins is not a rare condition, and a lot is known about it. Many Americans go through this condition hence the course of treatment is also well known, and it is actually quite safe. The condition may get serious but there are a million others going through the same hence the course of treatment is advanced, and you will not be a guinea pig.
3. Get Moving:
Consulting a vein specialist to understand the severity of your condition is important as your doctor may suggest certain lifestyle changes which will help in improving your condition.
There are several reasons why you may have developed this condition such as being overweight, ageing, hormones, standing too much or genes. Few of the reasons mentioned cannot be controlled like hormones, age, and your genes but you can definitely control your weight by moving more. Include 30 minutes workout in your daily routine and you will see a huge difference in your weight and your condition as well.
Too much standing and walking may not be good in your condition hence you can add other exercises such as elliptical, biking and free leg exercises in your routine which will help you better your condition.
4. Maintain a Healthy Diet:
Your diet also affects the health of your vein hence maintaining a good diet will help you improve your condition. Add more fibre to your food, watch your salt intake, consume food rich in vitamin C and drink a lot of water. Simple changes in your diet can help to improve your condition.
5. Get Treatment:
Leaving varicose veins untreated can be the worst possible thing you can do. Even if it is just visible and not painful, consulting an expert beforehand can prevent it to become worse. The sooner the treatment, the better.
It is difficult and nearly impossible to treat varicose veins without the help of experts hence seek professional help as soon as you are aware of the symptoms to find the best option of treatment.
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