5 Best CrossFit Essentials For Women 2018
April 27, 2018

5 Best CrossFit Essentials For Women 2018

CrossFitters are constantly pushing boundaries and pushing those limits. It is only fair that they are provided with the right essentials and equipment to support them.

With that being said let’s dive into some of the essentials for a CrossFitter

Crossfit Shoes 

Finding the best CrossFit shoes is no easy task. You have to take so much into consideration before deciding on your CrossFit shoes.  

I have been in high heels approximately a day and I tell you I couldn’t wait to get home because I felt as if my ankles and knees were giving up on me. When I wear trainers I desire a different feeling,

I need shoes that will provide stability as well as sensitivity to my feet.

This goes to cross fitters too. Although it does depend on the type of activity that an individual is doing at that time. For example, an athlete requires light shoes usually a size up if possible to provide room for the toes.

A soft heel that way the heels of their foot doesn’t experience hardness of the ground.

Weightlifters normally don’t need a shoe with rubber or sole because it won’t provide stability for their legs as they won’t feel the ground and so they might not keep balance.

Weight belt

This might be a bit uncomfortable for the few days but the results are good for you. Weight belt helps you to breathe properly as quite frankly avoid injuries while lifting.

The belt is designed to make you feel tight on your abdomen this is so you feel yourself breathing out against it.

Jump rope

Growing up I played with a skipping rope every single day, how I wish I was still that fit. This, however, is a different kind of rope this rope has to be the correct length for your height.

It is more efficient that way. I have seen them range from different colours to adjustable weights and lengths, so it depends entirely on your level of fitness. To improve your cardio a lighter rope is advised.

First Aid kit

This is quite crucial because it will provide you with the medical treatment you need while you wait for an ambulance if one is needed. In here you can have band-aids, Paracetamol, cold packs, and antibacterial gel or wipes.

Some of the first aid kits are already packed when you buy but it is better to pack one yourself to include essentials that are necessary to your needs. 

Clothing (shorts or tights)

This, to be honest, is very important because you need the right clothing another lease you will have limited movement.

From jumping, climbing and squatting to sprints, weightlifting and sit-ups they right pair fitting pants or shorts will make your workout easier. Preferably shorts that don’t tear quickly or stick on ski once you sweat


Last but not least, water. This includes water pre-workout as well. Let’s be honest when one is thirsty performance is limited. 

This may cause dehydration which might cause a headache. It’s a whole lot of chain reaction of negatives that’s why a bottle of water is a priority.

In a marathon, it is better to have your own water to avoid cramps and to avoid stopping every minute for it.

Crossfit is fun but intense, it is competitive but mind-blowing. It will not only transform your body but your mind too. Some people consider it very brutal because of how competitive it is.

Therefore the right ingredients are very important, from your supplements to your protein to the right sleeping pattern and mobility because remember if you’re not flexible enough to perform the movements, your body will fall apart.

5 Best CrossFit Essentials For Women 2018

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