You may not be surprised to read this article by WebMD that talks about the rise in obesity in the United States continue to increase.
When it comes to losing weight, everyone has their own opinions on what works best for them. But there are some hard and fast rules to follow that will make a difference in your weight loss goals.
In addition to the obesity study, a new study in 2019 found that 73% of people who set fitness goals as a new year’s resolution give them up! If that might be you, keep reading so you can learn these ten things from top fitness celebrities to help you lose weight.
1. Be Consistent
The first three tips come from one of my favourite celebrity personal trainers, Jillian Michaels. She stresses to make sure that you are staying consistent with your workout routine.
Going to the gym on and off will not help you get any closer to where you want to be in terms of your fitness goals. Consistency, commitment, and focus are what you need to get in shape.
Jillian suggests working out at least four times a week for at least 30 minutes per session. The key is setting up a consistent routine that generates life-long habits.
2. Don’t Overeat Ever
This seems like such an obvious one, but I don’t think we follow this one as much as should. Jillian Michaels says something that most people know but doesn’t think about.
Weight loss will always be about how many calories you take in.
Even if you are eating healthy foods, it still adds to the calories you are eating each day. As Michaels puts it, “I don’t care how much healthy food you eat. Don’t overeat!”
3. Read Food Labels
The third important fitness tip from Jillian Michaels is to make sure you are reading food labels. Calories are an important factor in weight loss, but the quality is too.
She also stresses to get rid of the chemicals that are found in processed foods.
Michaels sums it up by saying that, “If you don’t overeat and you’re removing chemicals as often as you possibly can, that’s all you need to worry about when it comes to your food.” Carefully opt for foods, especially if you are wary of putting on excess weight.
4. Start A Diary
According to celebrity fitness trainer Tracy Anderson, keeping a diary of your everyday life because we are all busy and everyday life can get in the way of our workout routine.
When we become stressed, Tracy says, it clouds our minds and makes us less productive.
In order to de-stress, Anderson suggests writing things down that get under our skin. She goes on to say that when your thoughts are in order, so is your health.
5. Eat a balance of protein, fiber, and healthy fats five times a day, and stay hydrated
Celebrity fitness trainer Harley Pasternak stresses the importance of eating a balance of protein, fiber, and healthy fats five times a day.
On top of this, he talks about the importance of staying hydrated throughout the day, because thirst can sometimes present itself as hunger.
Macronutrients, says Pasternack, will give your body all the fuel you need from thinking to running. These three macronutrients also lead to satiety, so that you feel full.
6. Say Goodbye To Sugar
According to Bob Harper, celebrity fitness trainer and famous The Biggest Loser coach, eliminating sugar from your diet is the easiest way to lose weight.
We all know that cutting out sugar can be extremely hard, but as soon as you do, you are almost guaranteed to lose weight. If it can’t be left out, go with natural alternatives of sugar.
7. You Don’t Have To Use Weights To Get Ripped
Peter Lee Thomas gets Halle Berry in tip-top shape, not by putting her through a vigorous weightlifting routine, but by encouraging her to use fighting and martial arts to train her body.
According to Thomas, all of the workouts that his celebrities use stem from fight training.
One of the best things about these types of workouts is that you don’t need a lot of equipment.
He also mentioned that many of his clients who had complained they had spent hours on the treadmill with no results, saw a tremendous change once they started doing martial arts.
8. Cut Out All Other Drinks Except Tea And Water
You have all heard it, and you probably already can guess that drinking enough water is a must when getting in shape and staying fit.
Celebrity trainer, Astrid Swan, says that cutting out all other drinks except tea and water will make your skin glow and your body tight!
9. Indulge On Special Occasions
When it comes to fitness and living a healthier lifestyle Erin Opera, Carrie Underwood’s personal trainer, says you should never forget to indulge on special occasion.
Moderation is always key in dieting and Erin believes the importance of having the occasional pizza, or ice cream, or whatever your favorite “cheat food” may be.
Moderation is the key to maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
Antioxidant foods should be the first on the list. That’s what our body need the most.
10. Just “Stick With It”
According to Don Brookes, celebrity fitness trainer for Kourtney Kardashian, half of the battle is just sticking with your workout routine.
Everyone who has ever tried to get in shape or has had a New Year’s resolution knows how hard that simple statement can be.
I’m sure you have a busy life, or there are days when you just don’t feel like going to the gym, but those are the days you have to keep pushing through.
Sticking to your workout routine goes hand-in-hand with staying consistent, which was number one on this list today.
I will leave you with this today. Cassey Ho, the creator of “Blogilates,” wrote a powerful article for Shape Magazine recently about her journey from bikini competitor back to being a “regular person.”
I hope you read it as I believe it is a great way, to sum up, this article no matter what your fitness goals are.
Whatever you do in your fitness journey, make sure it is sustainable and has the ability to last over the long run.
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